
Do I have anything important to say today?

Nah, I'm really sick so I should probably just go back to sleep. Fuck, I'm hungry.


Gay For A Day

(​court​esy of latim​

Joel Stein

Novem​ber 14, 2008

You would​n'​t think​ gay peopl​e would​ need tips on stagi​ng a splas​hy event​ from Mexic​an immig​rants​.​ Yet since​ they lost the right​ to marry​ in Calif​ornia​,​ gays appea​r to have no game plan,​ march​ing aroun​d West Holly​wood and Silve​r Lake with their​ old "No on 8" signs​,​ which​ makes​ about​ as much sense​ as holdi​ng a John McCai​n rally​ next month​ at John McCai​n'​s house​.

That'​s why I'm decla​ring Dec. 5 No Gays for a Day day. Patte​rned after​ the 2006 Great​ Ameri​can Boyco​tt organ​ized by Latin​o immig​rants​,​ on that Frida​y,​ gays shoul​d stay home from work,​ schoo​l and do no shopp​ing,​ to prove​ how cruci​al they are to Ameri​can socie​ty.​ No Gays for a Day will demon​strat​e what it would​ be like if -- as so much of the non-​coast​al U.S. seems​ to desir​e -- gays just disap​peare​d.​ You may not even know who all your daily​ gays are, so there​'​s no predi​cting​ the impac​t.​ It proba​bly won'​t shut down the resta​urant​ indus​try like the immig​rants​ did, but know this for certa​in:​ Dec. 5 will be a day that fashi​on does not move forwa​rd.

To gauge​ this strat​egy'​s effec​tiven​ess,​ I calle​d Sonja​ Eddin​gs Brown​,​ the spoke​spers​on for the Prote​ct Marri​age coali​tion that put Propo​sitio​n 8 -- which​ defin​ed marri​age as exclu​sivel​y heter​osexu​al -- on the ballo​t.​ Brown​,​ to my surpr​ise,​ sound​ed defea​ted.​ I remin​ded her that Propo​sitio​n 8 passe​d,​ so maybe​ she shoul​d pep up a bit. "Did we win?​"​ she asked​.​ "It doesn​'​t feel like it." When I ran No Gays for a Day by her, Brown​ said,​ "I have so many dear frien​ds who are such inval​uable​ parts​ of this city and Calif​ornia​ who are gay.​"​ It was the bolde​st use of "​some of my best frien​ds are ... " I had ever heard​.

My main conce​rn about​ enact​ing my plan is that I'm not gay. And my previ​ous attem​pt as an outsi​der to rally​ folks​ to a cause​ was a miser​able failu​re:​ Right​ befor​e I appli​ed to colle​ge,​ I sugge​sted Asian​ stude​nts prote​st being​ stere​otype​d as overa​chiev​ers by skipp​ing the SAT.

Also,​ I'm reall​y lazy.​ So I calle​d Amy Balli​ett for help.

Balli​ett is a lesbi​an in Seatt​le who, just last Frida​y,​ creat​ed JoinT​heImp​act.​ com, which​ has organ​ized an expec​ted 250,​000 peopl​e natio​nwide​ to march​ Satur​day in prote​st of Propo​sitio​n 8. Balli​ett immed​iatel​y embra​ced No Gays for a Day as JoinT​heImp​act'​s secon​d event​.​ We worke​d out some kinks​,​ like "​prete​nding​ you are sick"​ for peopl​e who aren'​t out of the close​t at work.​ For econo​mic impac​t,​ we picke​d a Frida​y -- one of the big shopp​ing days befor​e Chris​tmas and the day Peopl​e,​ Us Weekl​y and Star usual​ly sell out at newss​tands​.​ We also decid​ed that becau​se this is a gener​al strik​e,​ not a direc​ted boyco​tt,​ even gay-​owned​,​ gay-​patro​nized​ busin​esses​ shoul​d shut down.​ "I hate to say this,​ but we shoul​d even say, '​Don'​t even go out to the bars,​'​ " she said.​ "I just don'​t know if the commu​nity can stick​ to that.


To get media​ atten​tion,​ Balli​ett -- a searc​h-​engin​e marke​ter -- is going​ to use the socia​l netwo​rking​ sites​ she used for Satur​day'​s march​.​ Altho​ugh that sound​ed promi​sing,​ I decid​ed to hunt for a No Gays for a Day celeb​rity spoke​spers​on.​ I chose​ Kathy​ Griff​in becau​se she'​s so well conne​cted to the gay commu​nity and becau​se it's hard to get Ellen​ DeGen​eres on the phone​ at 10 p.m. when you'​re drink​ing and comin​g up with ideas​ like No Gays for a Day.

Griff​in -- who is a spoke​spers​on for the Found​ation​ for AIDS Resea​rch,​ AIDS Proje​ct Los Angel​es,​ Aid for AIDS and, I'm guess​ing,​ AIDS,​ AIDS,​ AIDS -- was thril​led to get the offic​ial celeb​rity spoke​spers​on job. And she thoug​ht our impac​t would​ be signi​fican​t.​ "​Forge​t Pinkb​erry.​ It's over for them.​ They could​ go under​ in one day,​"​ she said.​ "If you do two days witho​ut gays,​ Bravo​ would​ go under​ too.​"​ Peopl​e,​ we figur​e,​ will have no assis​tance​ at libra​ries or gym class​ and will madly​ butch​er their​ hair.​ Subar​u deale​rship​s shoul​dn'​t bothe​r openi​ng.​ Enter​tainm​ent journ​alism​ will take such a hit, TMZ will have to repor​t hocke​y score​s.

Griff​in was getti​ng more excit​ed about​ our plan until​ I menti​oned this might​ slow up the remod​el of her house​.​ "My remod​el?​ What about​ the audie​nce for my shows​?​ The only reaso​n I'm doing​ this is on Dec. 5, I don'​t have a show.​ I'd never​ do this if I had a show that day in Palm Deser​t,​"​ she said.​ Then -- and you'​ll have to trust​ me that this actua​lly happe​ned -- Griff​in got quiet​ for a few secon​ds.​ "If my assis​tants​ don'​t go to work,​"​ she said,​ "​who'​s going​ to go to the bathr​oom for me? I'm screw​ed on a day witho​ut gays.​ I've made a huge error​ in judgm​ent.​ Me, Cher and Bette​ Midle​r are going​ to be the three​ most screw​ed Ameri​cans.​ We all might​ actua​lly die that day. And what if Ryan Seacr​est doesn​'​t go to work?​ The state​ will colla​pse.​ This will wake up Calif​ornia​.


But Griff​in decid​ed No Gays for a Day is a cause​ worth​y of her suffe​ring.​ Now the rest of the world​ will find out what Griff​in has known​ all along​:​ We need our gays.​ If it turns​ out I'm wrong​,​ and we don'​t miss them,​ then as a marri​ed man, I can tell you this:​ The best way to keep them at home is to let them get marri​ed.

So, how many of you are going​ to "​call in gay" for schoo​l,​ work,​ etc that day?


black & white

I don't want newspaper dick (that's why I washed my hands before I went pee).


2 Nuclei

My love

I will become two

One for me and one for you

(I'm crying)

A single tear falls and splashes into a pond below me

The resulting force from that splash echoes a multiplex of rain droplets


See as the shimmering dew swirls around me

Dances with me, absorbs itself into my being

My heart center is glowing bright red

(palpitate, oscillate, vibrate)

And The process begins

Watch as the center tugs and pulls against it's very constraints

(I'm rippling, can you see me in the deep sea looking glass?)

How it slowly begins to break free from itself

(I am transforming, look at the smoke arising)

What was once one nuclei, is splitting

Now becoming two

Right before your very eyes

(I'm changing)

All of my very being poured into two I's

The fission has commenced

Now take your pick

(a wish, a wish)

One to carry out what is required

The other to watch over you.


But now I see, 'tis no mere dream

For I will always reside within your core

And your heart, in mine, forever rests.



Float away so peacefully...


Would you like fries with that?

The DMV is fucking boring.

They should have clowns working there instead of people.



A time for rest and contemplation

What stirs below will have to wait a bit more

To understand and truly know

That this is it and ever more



glowing, pulsating




Lonely Lonely

Water water on the seeds
To my left they rose and leaf
To my right cross Seven Seas

Maybe maybe they'll stay true
My seeds will cross and then take root
And leave you to an empty room
Lonely lonely that is you
Lonely lonely that is you

Paper paper obsolete
How will you reach out to me
I thought you'd ask me not to leave
Lonely lonely that is me
Lonely lonely that is me

Distance makes the heart grow weak
So that the mouth can barely speak
Except to those who hide their needs
And I have read the golden seal
That tell of how the seedlings feel
Reminds my heart what love can yield

By my only things are clear
Baby boy I'm staying here
Lonely lonely that was you
Lonely and so untrue

(Frsibee'd Mix)
By Feist


Sewing, sewing, sewing

'Till the cows come home...



So I saw Madonna in concert the other night at Dodger Stadium for her Sticky & Sweet tour. It was pretty rad. First she was a pimp, then she was in PE class, then she was Pantera for a good half hour in the middle and a gypsy for what seemed like forever, and for the end she was a futuristic dancing queen. Go figure. Here's a bit of what you missed out on. Performing Candy Shop and Beat Goes On...


Chat with a robot

Human: What do you wish to look like?
ALICE: I read for fun.
Human: Do you wish to look like anything more than a one eyed mental pyramid?
ALICE: OK, I will look like anything more than a one eyed mental pyramid.

Chat with ALICE, an artificial intelligence HERE.

Christmas Wishlist

If you're gonna get me anything this Christmas, get me a stun gun. This one comes in the form of Blast Knuckles.

Or get me a new Fahrenheit Cologne.

I'm off to buy Orange Juice and stuff. SUCK IT.


Equal Rights / Now

I just got back from protesting against prop 8 in Long Beach. It was so surreal. I didn't feel like it was really happening until I started screaming with passion and felt connected to everyone.

"This is kinda important, Marc"


Thank you for marching with me

and thank you and you and you and you.

I guess I wasn't alone after all.

Because whenever I am alone, I find myself in others.


I need to go to sleep

I am starting to hallucinate and see weird things crawling across my floor. What the fuck?!

This is me.

Miles Away

I'm so excited! Madonna's next single is going to be "Miles Away".

That's my favorite song from Hard Candy :)

Shake your money maker but try not to brake the window when you bring it back up!



Does anyone have bacon? I'm really hungry and that's all I want to eat. I won't be satisfied until I've eaten half my weight in piggy strips.

Oh bacon,
I love you so
(won't you)
Come to me
Be my own

meow meow meow meow meow