
meow meow meow / burn in hell, bitch!

So this is what happens when you type in "burn in hell, bitch" on you tube, hee hee. I think i am drunk off of Coca-cola. The end.


Marilyn Manson @ Art Basel, Miami

I love Marilyn Manson, It's always great to see new stuff from him. Here are two interviews, a video and a text one, courtesy of

Is Marilyn Manson a spiritual person?

The Art Newspaper: I understand that you sleep by day. When do you paint?

Marilyn Manson: It’s easiest for me to paint late at night when I’m at my most ­creative, around 3am. I’ve been making a new album and the band works from 8pm until about 4am, so I often come home and paint in silence. It’s a real escape for me because it’s the thing I can do when no one’s around.

TAN: I’ve read that you started drawing as a child, using it as an escape.

MM I liked drawing as a kid and I wanted to become a cartoonist for something like Mad magazine.

TAN: Are there any special objects that you keep around for inspiration in your painting studio?

MM I have things taped and written on the walls, it’s almost like a big notebook. It’s a bit haunted-house-mixed-with-Las Vegas, there’s no sense of time and there are no clocks. I have a lot of art and anatomy books, magazines, about 250 children’s books and lots of Polaroids. I kneel down on the floor when I work, so I can control and balance the paint, and the ceiling fan above me has a video camera attached so I can document my painting.

TAN: Would you describe your works as psychological portraits of your subjects?

MM I don’t paint photorealistic works; I think that’s what cameras are for. I’m painting a girl that I met recently who was concerned about how she looked, and I explained that I was trying to capture her personality.

TAN: Are your paintings more personal than your very public stage persona?

MM I have a terrible time losing my paintings to other people. I don’t consider painting a hobby at all. At one point I was willing to completely trade one for the other while I was going through a dark period in my life, but somehow the combination of singing and painting seemed to work together.

TAN: Can you tell me about your painting Trismegistus, the centrepiece of the show?

MM I found a portable embalming table from the 19th century, and some foolish part of me thought it would make a goth girl really excited. But I left it sitting against the wall in my studio, and one night I started painting around midnight with only the moonlight coming through the shades. I finished the work by about 1pm the next day. It’s a very fragile piece and I’d like to see it end up in a museum.

TAN: Is it true that the first paintings that you sold in 1999 were five-minute concept pieces that were bought by drug dealers?

MM They were traded for drugs. I wonder where those are now.

TAN: How would you describe your watercolours? Is it accurate to characterise some of your major themes as death, celebrity, pop culture and hermeticism?

MM I always choose interesting people, like the Black Dahlia [Elizabeth Short, who was the victim in a gruesome unsolved Los Angeles murder in 1947] and [murdered child beauty pageant contestant] JonBenét Ramsey, who are fascinating because of their mystery. I also have a lot of fetishes that come from pop culture—things like “Tom & Jerry” cartoons where we see a woman in high heels pointing her red fingernail, but that’s all you ever see.

TAN: Where do you get most of your material? Do you work from newspaper and magazine photographs, live models, memories or from sketches?

MM I’m a closet photographer. My house is filled with big movie lights so I can take photographs whenever I want. I don’t really like to show my photographs, but if I might brag, I think they’re pretty good. I like to photograph a person before I paint their portrait and lighting is very important. I don’t necessarily work directly from the photograph, but I want to have something in my head when I begin.

TAN: Can you name some artists who have influenced your work?

MM I love the surrealists. I have a Dalí video where he refuses to do an interview with Orson Welles for his own documentary that I love. I also like what Man Ray did with film and shadows. And Egon Schiele has been a big influence on me. I enjoy looking at Bacon’s notebooks and his studies because it reminds me of how I work.

TAN: What do you think about Matthew Barney? You’re both interested in creating elaborate personas with detailed histories and philosophical underpinnings.

MM I have an extreme love/hate for Matthew Barney because I’m jealous that he is able to do so much. Someday I’d like to work with him, or beat him up for being so good at what he does. I have every one of his books and bootleg copies of the “Cremaster” series. We both incorporate the same type of manic detail in our work.

TAN: In previous interviews you’ve said that the name Marilyn Manson refers to “the disturbing dualism of American culture”. Can you explain what you mean by this?

MM In the 1990s, one channel on the television would be investigating the secret behind Marilyn Monroe’s death, while [talk-show host and investigative journalist] Geraldo Rivera was interviewing Charles Manson on another. To me, Monroe and Manson were equally famous for completely different reasons. Besides the obvious contrasts of beauty and ugliness, and female and male, I think that Monroe had a dark side and Manson has strange moments of coherent philosophy. For me, being Marilyn Manson is my art. My brain doesn’t shut off, so it’s not as easy as saying that Marilyn Manson is just a stage persona; it’s me and I don’t think about it any other way.

TAN: You recently developed your own brand of absinthe called Mansinthe. Did you start drinking absinthe because of the romantic associations it has with writers and artists like Edgar Allan Poe, Oscar Wilde, Charles Baudelaire and Vincent van Gogh?

MM Yeah, I think so. I like it because it doesn’t make me drunk and it helps me to create.

TAN: You’ve been ­interested in the creative energy of Weimar Germany for some time now. I realise that there’s a historic ­specificity to the period, but there are some interesting parallels in terms of ­cultural excess and the bankruptcy of our financial institutions. Do you think the global recession might lead to increased ­creativity by artists?

MM If money becomes an issue, artists will probably resort to the basics. I think it will make people appreciate the things that they’ve cre-ated with their own hands that have a personal and spiritual value.

TAN: Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

MM I think I’m 100% a spiritual person. If I didn’t care about the world, I wouldn’t put something into it.



I fucking hate this computer so much! I want to bash it in with a baseball bat and throw it out the fucking window! If it's not one fucking thing, it's another. Fucking viruses up the ass and this shit is as slow as molasses. Fuck this shit, PCs suck, I want a MAC!



Question Mar(c)

What the hell am I doing?

Another weekend spent fucking off

(Work to be done)

What am I doing

So much potential


But what to do with it

What is to come for me?

I wait.

Editor's note: Yes, I am having an existential crisis. I am completely self-aware. Leave me alone haha


Freaky Friday

Okay, I know it's not Friday and I know I'll get a lot of flack for that from certain people (::ahem:: Alicia Butt) but that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

So anyway, today was one of those times that I accidentally set my alarm (at work) for AM instead of PM and fortunately I only overslept by 20 minutes (luckily my boss wasn't here today). So the only reason I woke up at all was because, in some reality, someone called my name, "M A R C" and I sprung up immediately, looked all around the room and nobody was there. Otherwise noone would have woke me up and I would have just slept all day.

Pretty strange shitz.




Why is it that some people are not allowed to participate in civilization?

Such advancements, yet haven't come that far at all...

The Ultimate Nagger

So it seems to me that Christians have made a mockery of Christ and have painted themselves as the biggest naggers of all time, using Christ's death as the ultimate guilt trip. "You better go to church, Jesus died on the cross for your sins", "You better brush your teeth, Jesus died for your sins", "Don't you dare leave that garbage can unemptied, Jesus died for your sins", etc. etc.


That seems to be the general picture painted, at the very heart of their work. Use Christ's death as a guilt tool, sell it to a bunch of pathetic, desperate, imbeciles, and BAMBOONI you have yourself a vast empire of fortune and the best part of it is that it is self replicating because the stupid people will tell more stupid people about it and we will all be stupid together and live in a stupid civilization and do stupid fucking things. We live in guilt, we literally live for it. For that is the driving force in these people's lives. Even if you are not religious, these moral standards still lie as the basis of our conceptions of society and acheivment. We live in a religious society, whether we like it or not. These guilt trips are hard wired into our mainframes and we don't even know it.

Guess the jokes on us.

Fear God? The same god of Boundless love and compassion? Pfffff.

Tower of Babel

Religion is a tool, gone terribly awry.


Do I have anything important to say today?

Nah, I'm really sick so I should probably just go back to sleep. Fuck, I'm hungry.


Gay For A Day

(​court​esy of latim​

Joel Stein

Novem​ber 14, 2008

You would​n'​t think​ gay peopl​e would​ need tips on stagi​ng a splas​hy event​ from Mexic​an immig​rants​.​ Yet since​ they lost the right​ to marry​ in Calif​ornia​,​ gays appea​r to have no game plan,​ march​ing aroun​d West Holly​wood and Silve​r Lake with their​ old "No on 8" signs​,​ which​ makes​ about​ as much sense​ as holdi​ng a John McCai​n rally​ next month​ at John McCai​n'​s house​.

That'​s why I'm decla​ring Dec. 5 No Gays for a Day day. Patte​rned after​ the 2006 Great​ Ameri​can Boyco​tt organ​ized by Latin​o immig​rants​,​ on that Frida​y,​ gays shoul​d stay home from work,​ schoo​l and do no shopp​ing,​ to prove​ how cruci​al they are to Ameri​can socie​ty.​ No Gays for a Day will demon​strat​e what it would​ be like if -- as so much of the non-​coast​al U.S. seems​ to desir​e -- gays just disap​peare​d.​ You may not even know who all your daily​ gays are, so there​'​s no predi​cting​ the impac​t.​ It proba​bly won'​t shut down the resta​urant​ indus​try like the immig​rants​ did, but know this for certa​in:​ Dec. 5 will be a day that fashi​on does not move forwa​rd.

To gauge​ this strat​egy'​s effec​tiven​ess,​ I calle​d Sonja​ Eddin​gs Brown​,​ the spoke​spers​on for the Prote​ct Marri​age coali​tion that put Propo​sitio​n 8 -- which​ defin​ed marri​age as exclu​sivel​y heter​osexu​al -- on the ballo​t.​ Brown​,​ to my surpr​ise,​ sound​ed defea​ted.​ I remin​ded her that Propo​sitio​n 8 passe​d,​ so maybe​ she shoul​d pep up a bit. "Did we win?​"​ she asked​.​ "It doesn​'​t feel like it." When I ran No Gays for a Day by her, Brown​ said,​ "I have so many dear frien​ds who are such inval​uable​ parts​ of this city and Calif​ornia​ who are gay.​"​ It was the bolde​st use of "​some of my best frien​ds are ... " I had ever heard​.

My main conce​rn about​ enact​ing my plan is that I'm not gay. And my previ​ous attem​pt as an outsi​der to rally​ folks​ to a cause​ was a miser​able failu​re:​ Right​ befor​e I appli​ed to colle​ge,​ I sugge​sted Asian​ stude​nts prote​st being​ stere​otype​d as overa​chiev​ers by skipp​ing the SAT.

Also,​ I'm reall​y lazy.​ So I calle​d Amy Balli​ett for help.

Balli​ett is a lesbi​an in Seatt​le who, just last Frida​y,​ creat​ed JoinT​heImp​act.​ com, which​ has organ​ized an expec​ted 250,​000 peopl​e natio​nwide​ to march​ Satur​day in prote​st of Propo​sitio​n 8. Balli​ett immed​iatel​y embra​ced No Gays for a Day as JoinT​heImp​act'​s secon​d event​.​ We worke​d out some kinks​,​ like "​prete​nding​ you are sick"​ for peopl​e who aren'​t out of the close​t at work.​ For econo​mic impac​t,​ we picke​d a Frida​y -- one of the big shopp​ing days befor​e Chris​tmas and the day Peopl​e,​ Us Weekl​y and Star usual​ly sell out at newss​tands​.​ We also decid​ed that becau​se this is a gener​al strik​e,​ not a direc​ted boyco​tt,​ even gay-​owned​,​ gay-​patro​nized​ busin​esses​ shoul​d shut down.​ "I hate to say this,​ but we shoul​d even say, '​Don'​t even go out to the bars,​'​ " she said.​ "I just don'​t know if the commu​nity can stick​ to that.


To get media​ atten​tion,​ Balli​ett -- a searc​h-​engin​e marke​ter -- is going​ to use the socia​l netwo​rking​ sites​ she used for Satur​day'​s march​.​ Altho​ugh that sound​ed promi​sing,​ I decid​ed to hunt for a No Gays for a Day celeb​rity spoke​spers​on.​ I chose​ Kathy​ Griff​in becau​se she'​s so well conne​cted to the gay commu​nity and becau​se it's hard to get Ellen​ DeGen​eres on the phone​ at 10 p.m. when you'​re drink​ing and comin​g up with ideas​ like No Gays for a Day.

Griff​in -- who is a spoke​spers​on for the Found​ation​ for AIDS Resea​rch,​ AIDS Proje​ct Los Angel​es,​ Aid for AIDS and, I'm guess​ing,​ AIDS,​ AIDS,​ AIDS -- was thril​led to get the offic​ial celeb​rity spoke​spers​on job. And she thoug​ht our impac​t would​ be signi​fican​t.​ "​Forge​t Pinkb​erry.​ It's over for them.​ They could​ go under​ in one day,​"​ she said.​ "If you do two days witho​ut gays,​ Bravo​ would​ go under​ too.​"​ Peopl​e,​ we figur​e,​ will have no assis​tance​ at libra​ries or gym class​ and will madly​ butch​er their​ hair.​ Subar​u deale​rship​s shoul​dn'​t bothe​r openi​ng.​ Enter​tainm​ent journ​alism​ will take such a hit, TMZ will have to repor​t hocke​y score​s.

Griff​in was getti​ng more excit​ed about​ our plan until​ I menti​oned this might​ slow up the remod​el of her house​.​ "My remod​el?​ What about​ the audie​nce for my shows​?​ The only reaso​n I'm doing​ this is on Dec. 5, I don'​t have a show.​ I'd never​ do this if I had a show that day in Palm Deser​t,​"​ she said.​ Then -- and you'​ll have to trust​ me that this actua​lly happe​ned -- Griff​in got quiet​ for a few secon​ds.​ "If my assis​tants​ don'​t go to work,​"​ she said,​ "​who'​s going​ to go to the bathr​oom for me? I'm screw​ed on a day witho​ut gays.​ I've made a huge error​ in judgm​ent.​ Me, Cher and Bette​ Midle​r are going​ to be the three​ most screw​ed Ameri​cans.​ We all might​ actua​lly die that day. And what if Ryan Seacr​est doesn​'​t go to work?​ The state​ will colla​pse.​ This will wake up Calif​ornia​.


But Griff​in decid​ed No Gays for a Day is a cause​ worth​y of her suffe​ring.​ Now the rest of the world​ will find out what Griff​in has known​ all along​:​ We need our gays.​ If it turns​ out I'm wrong​,​ and we don'​t miss them,​ then as a marri​ed man, I can tell you this:​ The best way to keep them at home is to let them get marri​ed.

So, how many of you are going​ to "​call in gay" for schoo​l,​ work,​ etc that day?


black & white

I don't want newspaper dick (that's why I washed my hands before I went pee).


2 Nuclei

My love

I will become two

One for me and one for you

(I'm crying)

A single tear falls and splashes into a pond below me

The resulting force from that splash echoes a multiplex of rain droplets


See as the shimmering dew swirls around me

Dances with me, absorbs itself into my being

My heart center is glowing bright red

(palpitate, oscillate, vibrate)

And The process begins

Watch as the center tugs and pulls against it's very constraints

(I'm rippling, can you see me in the deep sea looking glass?)

How it slowly begins to break free from itself

(I am transforming, look at the smoke arising)

What was once one nuclei, is splitting

Now becoming two

Right before your very eyes

(I'm changing)

All of my very being poured into two I's

The fission has commenced

Now take your pick

(a wish, a wish)

One to carry out what is required

The other to watch over you.


But now I see, 'tis no mere dream

For I will always reside within your core

And your heart, in mine, forever rests.



Float away so peacefully...


Would you like fries with that?

The DMV is fucking boring.

They should have clowns working there instead of people.



A time for rest and contemplation

What stirs below will have to wait a bit more

To understand and truly know

That this is it and ever more



glowing, pulsating




Lonely Lonely

Water water on the seeds
To my left they rose and leaf
To my right cross Seven Seas

Maybe maybe they'll stay true
My seeds will cross and then take root
And leave you to an empty room
Lonely lonely that is you
Lonely lonely that is you

Paper paper obsolete
How will you reach out to me
I thought you'd ask me not to leave
Lonely lonely that is me
Lonely lonely that is me

Distance makes the heart grow weak
So that the mouth can barely speak
Except to those who hide their needs
And I have read the golden seal
That tell of how the seedlings feel
Reminds my heart what love can yield

By my only things are clear
Baby boy I'm staying here
Lonely lonely that was you
Lonely and so untrue

(Frsibee'd Mix)
By Feist


Sewing, sewing, sewing

'Till the cows come home...



So I saw Madonna in concert the other night at Dodger Stadium for her Sticky & Sweet tour. It was pretty rad. First she was a pimp, then she was in PE class, then she was Pantera for a good half hour in the middle and a gypsy for what seemed like forever, and for the end she was a futuristic dancing queen. Go figure. Here's a bit of what you missed out on. Performing Candy Shop and Beat Goes On...


Chat with a robot

Human: What do you wish to look like?
ALICE: I read for fun.
Human: Do you wish to look like anything more than a one eyed mental pyramid?
ALICE: OK, I will look like anything more than a one eyed mental pyramid.

Chat with ALICE, an artificial intelligence HERE.

Christmas Wishlist

If you're gonna get me anything this Christmas, get me a stun gun. This one comes in the form of Blast Knuckles.

Or get me a new Fahrenheit Cologne.

I'm off to buy Orange Juice and stuff. SUCK IT.


Equal Rights / Now

I just got back from protesting against prop 8 in Long Beach. It was so surreal. I didn't feel like it was really happening until I started screaming with passion and felt connected to everyone.

"This is kinda important, Marc"


Thank you for marching with me

and thank you and you and you and you.

I guess I wasn't alone after all.

Because whenever I am alone, I find myself in others.


I need to go to sleep

I am starting to hallucinate and see weird things crawling across my floor. What the fuck?!

This is me.

Miles Away

I'm so excited! Madonna's next single is going to be "Miles Away".

That's my favorite song from Hard Candy :)

Shake your money maker but try not to brake the window when you bring it back up!



Does anyone have bacon? I'm really hungry and that's all I want to eat. I won't be satisfied until I've eaten half my weight in piggy strips.

Oh bacon,
I love you so
(won't you)
Come to me
Be my own

meow meow meow meow meow



Crying Crying Crying

Tears flood out

never stopping

My heart is flooded


Pain comes rushing out

Crying crying crying....

Seems to be the only thing

(my heart is bleeding)




                                         ________________beneath the surface

str     u  gg         les                 to      br                          ea     k      fr  e  e

s      i      mmers     down

for      now but                       the

                            poss       i      bil     i         t  ies

*        *    *       *   *  *  *   *  * tw   in    kle     li  ke      *  *  *    *   *      *     *      *  *     *  * li tt le      * li gh   ts   *


Little Bit by Lykke Li

Hands down
I'm too proud, for love
But with eyes shut
It's you I'm thinking of
But how we move from A to B it can't be up to me
Cause I don't know
Eye to eye
Thigh to Thigh
I let go

I think I'm a little bit
Little bit

A little bit in love with you
But only if you're a little bit
Little bit
Little bit
In lalalala love with me
Oh ah

And for you I keep my legs apart
And forget about my tainted heart
And I will never ever be the first
To say it's still a, Game over
Ah ah ah
I would do it
Push a button
Pull a trigger
Over a mountain
Jump off a cliff
Cause you know baby I love you love you
A little bit

I would do it
You'd say it
You'd mean it
I would let you do it
It was you and I and I only
Ha hm

I think I'm a little bit
Little bit
A little bit in love with you
But only if you're a little bit
Little bit
Little bit
In lalalala love with me

I think I'm a little bit
Little bit
A little bit in love with you
But only if you're a little bit
Little bit
Little bit
In lalalala love with me
Ah oh

Come here
Stay with me
Stroke me
By the head
Cause I would give anything
To have you as my man

Come here
Stay with me
Stroke me, by the head
Cause I would give anything
To have you as my man

Little bit
Little bit
A little bit in love with you
But only if you're a little bit
Little bit
Little bit
In lalalala love with me

I think I'm a little bit
Little bit
A little bit in love with you
But only if you're a little bit
Little bit
Little bit




amnēstia / luba

my heart is broken
my heart is beaten

(This vessel is condemned for treason)

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

A hazy, dull, colored rain washes over us,
(like a disease) with an amnesiatic quality to it,
transforms us (forgetting us)

We took the footsteps,
marched right up to the top

We saw what it was like
to see the light

It was bright
It was magnificent

No other beauty in the world
can be compared to such a sight
such a feeling, such a state of being

A bliss like no other thing
that strives for such timelessness

We felt it and we knew

We touched the pinnacle of grace

It was all worth it

(I wouldn't trade those feelings for the world).


So Glad To See You by Hot Chip

Like all birds together we will squawk and we squeak
The joy comes from all our beaks
And ringing bells is our fun
Now our ass is moving as one

If we are forgetting all the rules that we learnt
As all the rule books are burnt
And just as A follows B
Our chorus must always be

So glad to see that you came
We had best times
We hope you come again
Please come and see the sea
If you come we'll have best times again
But now it's time to go
Time to go home

I have but one true friend
She sings to me in my solitude
And I know her name
I tried to know her, in all her changes
And I don't know her place
And I don't see her face

When we come together then we forget ourselves
And just as night follows day
The beginning must become the end
And so we will start again
When we come together then we meet other souls
And then we make our goodbye
And we lay our bones to rest
As birds we dream of the sky

Please let me go
Please help me go

So glad to see that you came
We had best times
We hope you come again
Please come and see the sea
If you come we'll have best times again
But now it's time to go
Time to go home



escort you out

Wouldn't it be funny if when someone told you, "I'm gonna have to have you escorted out", they actually hired an escort for you, like from an escort service?

I don't know, it's 4 am, leave me alone.


This is How Fascism Comes: New essay by Tim Wise

This is How Fascism Comes:
Reflections on the Cost of Silence
By Tim Wise
October 12, 2008

For those who have seen the ugliness and heard the vitriol emanating from the mouths of persons attending McCain/Palin rallies this past week--what with their demands to kill Barack Obama, slurs that he is a terrorist and a traitor, and paranoid delusions about his crypto-Muslim designs on America--please know this: This is how fascism comes to an ostensible democracy.

If it comes--and if those whose poisonous, unhinged verbiage has been so ubiquitous this week have any say over it, it surely will--this is how it will happen: not with tanks and jackbooted storm troopers, but carried in the hearts of men and women dressed in comfortable shoes, with baseball caps, and What Would Jesus Do? wristbands. It will be heralded by up-dos, designer glasses, you-betcha folksiness and a disdain for big words or hard consonants.

If fascism comes, it will spring from the soil of middle America, from people known as values voters but whose values are toxic, from simple folk whose simplicity, far from being admirable, is better labeled ignorance, from "all-American" types whose patriotism is a dagger pointed at the very heart of the national interest, for it so forsakes all the best principles upon which the republic was founded, choosing instead to elevate and ratify the narrow-mindedness, the bigotry, and the intolerance that also marked our country's origins.

If fascism comes, it will be ushered in by tailgaters at the big football game, by Joe Six Pack, who, upon finishing his sixth beer and belching forth the stench of a mediocre life lived, will gladly announce its arrival, so long as it comes with a steady supply of Pabst Blue Ribbon and hot dogs on the grill, and giant foam hands with a "We're Number 1" finger, some Mardi Gras beads and a good titty bar.

If fascism comes it will dress like a hockey mom, or a NASCAR dad. It will believe Toby Keith to be an artist, Larry the Cable Guy to be a comic, and that the world was made in six literal days less than 6000 years ago.

If fascism comes it will come from the small towns; the ones Sarah Palin, quoting a famous racist and Jew-hater, said "grow good people," and which occasionally do, but which, just as often grow provincial, isolated, fearful and superstitious ones.

If fascism comes it will come from faux populism, from anti-immigrant hysteria, from persons who have more guns in their homes than books, or whose books, when they have them, are principally volumes of the Left Behind series, several different copies of the Bible, and a plethora of romance novels.

If fascism comes it will be welcomed, lock stock and barrel by persons who pray at every meal to a God they visualize as white, whose son they also think was white, and who they believe is going to rapture them all into the sky upon the blowing of some heavenly trumpet, after which point all those who don't think as they think will be burned in an eternal lake of fire. Their vision and version of God is itself fascistic--to love a God who would do such a thing is to love an abusive, sadistic and evil deity after all--so it should come as little surprise that their conception of the state would be equally authoritarian or worse.

If fascism comes it will be at the behest of those who hold a contempt for what they call "book learnin," who prefer Presidents who mispronounce basic words because they make them feel smarter, and who are looking for nothing so much as a commander-in-chief with whom they would enjoy having a beer, or two, or twelve at some backyard barbecue.

If fascism comes it will be interviewed, lovingly, on talk radio, by hosts whose cerebral inadequacies are more than made up for by their bellicosity, their bombast, their willingness to shout down those with whom they cannot argue, for argument requires knowledge, and this is a commodity with which they have not even a passing familiarity.

If fascism comes it will come wrapped in red,white and blue, carrying a crucifix and a shotgun, projecting its own sexual confusion and insecurity onto others, substituting volume for veracity and rage for reason, and landing on the New York Times best-seller list as a result.

If fascism comes it will have a pajama party at Ann Coulter's house, pop pills with Rush Limbaugh, and go gay-bashing with Michael Savage, all in the same weekend. And it will refuse to learn another language or get a passport, because doing either of those would make one cosmopolitan--which is just another word for "faggot.


If fascism comes it will come because a lot of people who aren't like the folks I'm talking about here, won't stand up to the ones who are. Because we're too busy, don't want to make waves, don't want to lose friends, or alienate family. It will come, in other words, because those who know better are cowards, more concerned with getting along, making nice, and being liked than with telling the truth, calling out evil and saving their country.

If fascism comes it will come because of the silence, and thus, collaboration of those who think themselves good, and certainly superior to the knuckle-draggers they can see on YouTube at the McCain rallies, but who in the end are no better and in some ways worse than they: after all, at least fascists stand up for what they believe in. They are telling us, in no uncertain terms what kind of United States they want and are willing to fight for, and maybe even to kill for. But many "progressives," many liberals, many of the so-called enlightened are doing nothing at all.

If fascism comes it will come because those liberals thought voting for Barack Obama was all they needed to do; it will come because they allowed themselves to believe that politics is what a person does every four years, but not at work, and not in the neighborhood, and not at the dinner table. Meanwhile, know-nothings filled with hate, nurtured on racial and religious bigotry and who have overdosed on the kind of hypernationalism that has always proved fatal to those places foolish or craven enough to allow it a foothold, talk of their visions for America at every opportunity. They raise their kids on that sickness, they build churches whose very foundation is rooted in that cancerous rot, and they will think nothing of steamrolling those who get in their way.

So when, exactly, do we fight back? When do we say enough? When do we stand up to our relative or friend who sends us the e-mail about Obama being a Manchurian Candidate or al-Qaeda sympathizer, or the one about the decency of Midwestern flood victims as opposed to those stranded after Katrina, or about how God was punishing New Orleans because of its tolerance of homosexuality, and tell them what we think: namely, that they are a bunch of racist, heterosexist loons, whose friendship or familial connection we neither want nor intend to pursue unless they get help.

When do we decide that we love our country and humanity too much to allow these people one more day of decent sleep, one more day of self-assured confidence in their craziness and the willingness of the rest of us to just take it? When do we decide that every irrational, Jeezoid, racist thing that comes from their mouths will be attacked, will be rebutted, until they can no longer take for granted the ability to say any of it in mixed company without being called out?

Why, in the face of the fascism they would surely introduce if given the chance, are we intent on being so nice? Why are we not more offended? Offended not merely at what such persons say about others--like Obama, or Latino immigrants, or whatever--but even about we who look like them? After all, their open exhortations of racism presuppose that they are speaking for us, and that this kind of brain-dead ventilation is something to which all white folks should aspire as though it were virtually the essence of enlightenment.

If fascism comes it will come because we did not see in their actions a sufficient threat, or because we allowed ourselves to believe that it couldn't come, that our institutions were too strong, our people too good, for that to happen. If it comes it will come because we allowed ourselves to believe the rosy and optimistic version of America spun by Obama, without tempering that optimism with a clear-headed appraisal of the way that (sadly) a still huge number of Americans actually think: because we allowed the vehicle of our hopes to outrun the headlights of truth; because we convinced ourselves that we actually lived in the country of our aspirations, rather than the nation we have at present.

And if fascism doesn't come--if, rather, democracy does--it will come because good people said no. It will come because we saw in this moment the opportunity to demand the full measure of our humanity and to pour it forth upon the national soil. It will be because we understood that democracy isn't what you have, it's what you do. But if we are to issue that demand, if we are to stand straight and fulfill the potential we possess to do justice, we had best exercise the option quickly, for the opponents of justice are on the move. They are preparing to enter on the winds of our silence and indifference, and complacency. Let them find no quarter here.


heart / lock / key

I really can not help it

You’ve taken all control

The more I try to fight it

The more it seems to grow


A Message From Margaret Cho

All kinds of Christians are getting mad about my Sarah Palin comments, and it is pissing me off.

First of all – you fucking fake Christians - don't fucking question my Christianity. I grew up in the church. My grandfather was a minister, who is with God now and talks to me in my dreams from God's corner office. I am a former Sunday school teacher. I taught the Bible to children and showed them how to love God and invite him into their hearts. I believe in God – but I don't fear him. God is my best friend. God is my ally. God is my boyfriend. God is my best fag. I am God's fag hag cuz didn't you know, God is a big fag. Serious bottom too. Butch in the streets, femme in the sheets. That is my God. God is my biggest fan. God gets me, dude.

God wants us all to just get along. He doesn't give a shit about the profanity. The bitch fucking invented profanity. He thinks it is hilarious. He just wants you to talk to him, and he doesn't care what you have to say. He just wants to keep the conversation going. Like Jay-Z, he just wants to love you. He just wants you to be able to make your own decisions. God is all about you and what you need. God is happy that you are gay. God made you fucking gay cuz he thinks it is awesome. God understands if you need to have an abortion. That is why he created abortion, on the 8th day. God accepts. God forgives. God loves all of us, even though some of us might have a problem with each other.

Don't fucking question my Christianity you fucking idiot assholes. If you continue to have a problem, then talk to God about it, not me, you fucking racist homophobic misogynist fake Christian shitheads. God thinks it is funny that I swear so much. He said I could use his name in vain or whatever. He just wants me to use it. He loves me. So fuck you. And I guess he loves you too. Even though you are fake Christian assholes. If you were truly Christians, you would let gays get married, and send them fucking presents from Bed Bath and Beyond!

If you truly believed in Jesus, you would try to be like him and love us, fags and dykes and feminists all. God bless you, even you. You fucking fuckers.



Burnt Stars Crying

You've started a chain of events that can not be undone.

Dark Moves Of Love by M83

The time is blowing out
Dividing you and me
Can you see me?

Everything is wrecked and grey
I'm focusing on your image
Can you hear me in the void?

I will fight the time and bring you back!
I will fight the time and bring you back!



A Dream

Writing about an idealized romance that may or may not have existed,

Only the ocean will ever know my secret passions.

(The pink tower of iridescence, undulating of cream warmth coolness, which once resided below my rib cage)

I’ll cry out to the vast nothingness, hoping for a response, but knowing there is not one who exists.

(My heart knows truth, my heart knows truth)

(Can it not be a beacon once more?)

Was it all a dream, my love?

(I hope to see you when I close my eyes).


Boil & Toil

Okay, it's really not funny anymore. This joke that someone is pulling on me is really not cool. It is entirely too hot and you need to make it stop, seriously. 'Cause I'm melting, fucker.

Get This Shit

Basement Jaxx: Make Me Sweat

It's Electro, It's House, It's super fun and it's only two tracks so hurry the french toast up!


The Animal Parade


Artist Nathalia Edenmont

Beautiful works that provoke real questions.

View the rest of the photos from this series here.


She has a new exhibit at the Wetterling Gallery titled 'Still Born'.
View the rest of her wonderful photographs from this series here.

I'm hungry for rabbit stew...


Liquid Sub-Sonic Rythms

I don't know too much about the genre, dub-step. All I know is that this new release, by Pinch, called Underwater Dancehall is fucking awesome. It features two discs: the first with vocals and the second, without. I found that the second disc is where the magic really happens. Here’s an excerpt of a review from, where they delve a little deeper.

The second disc strips away the vocals, leaving only the underlying beats. As such, it gives itself up more slowly, requiring a freeform, body-centered kind of listening that focuses on rhythm, sensation, and varying levels of intensity. And yet, disc two, played at high volumes, is in some ways a more enveloping experience. You feel the bass-tones. You twitch in response to the shuffle of various kinds of percussion. You lose yourself in the undulating long tones of synthesizer. You realize in disc two that the title is really apt. You are underwater, moving through cool currents of sound, and you are dancing. And that alone may be worth the price of admission.


Dear sir or madam (whatever the hell you are),

Please stay out of my rose bushes. I work very hard to take care of these roses and I don’t very well appreciate you running around naked in my garden. I understand you have a condition but that gives you no right to behave like a wild native. And another thing, could you please take a shower every once in a while? You smell like rat piss and the neighbors are starting to get suspicious. You know how Miss Weaselface is, always sticking her big honker in other people’s business. You know, she is really becoming quite unbearable, with her loud flower prints and her flamboyant flatulence.

So please, keep away from my roses or I’ll sock you in your double chin. Thanks!


Gladys Mcnattice

To The Two Cackling Whores I Sat Next to at The Movie Theater

You were so fucking annoying. Do you think you would have minded shutting the fuck up? Didn't you hear the thing before the movie started, asking you not to add your own motherfucking soundtrack? You talked during the entire movie and actually ruined parts of it for me. Thanks for fucking up my Sex & The City experience, you idiotic dumb fucking broads!

I hope you fucking crashed your car on your way home and fucking died, you stupid pathetic sluts!

Rest in pieces,



So I've Eaten...

3 eggs
a ham/turkey sandwich with muenster cheese
mashed up banana with peanut butter and protein powder

I wonder what's gonna happen now?



my head has become flat

flattened out________________________________________________________________


I am in the living room

I am at the park

I do not reside in my head

for my head seems to sit on top of my neck

it is also radiating sideways front and back

but more than that, it is an indefinite wave of possibilities

I am here and everywhere

I am in my living room

as well as everywhere else in the world

all of this is happening at once

I am golden

I am sparkling

I am light


Represent, Muthufuku!

These are the fucking bestest in the westest and don't you ever forget it!


Tit-Tac Egg-o-matic Fashion

There is a new online men's fashion magazine that I have recently discovered over @ I really admire their dedication to menswear (they seem to update their features every week). Their new offering is a Technicolor treat. Go check them out before they hatch and fly away!


Zale Morris is A Douche Bag

I have dealt with plenty of assholes in my life and boy, are you off your rocker, motherfucker. I had a bad feeling about you from the very beginning, but I needed a job. I thought I was just coming in for an interview and as soon as I got there, you sent me to work. No talk of pay or anything of the sort, just sew this, fetch that, carry this, pack this, stitch that. And you have the nerve to tell me to follow you from now on, and that this shit should have been put away a long time ago?


You are nothing more that a fat, fucking, tub of lard-o-rama, weirdo, loser. You are pompous and have no right to be. Your only claim to fame is that you're working on E.R. through the union, big fucking deal. Television sucks balls anyway. Get a fucking life you schizophrenic
poodle-haired-flap-jack-face! And another thing, I traveled a million fucking miles to get to your house, I told you I wasn't feeling good, and you still insisted I drive with you to Ventura, after I had just been out and about all day in the sun, looking for fabric everywhere and Tahiti, and you wanted me to work another 6 hours, slaving away in god-knows-where for 10 measly fucking dollars an hour?


And my name is Marc asshole, not John, stupid fucker!

So, if you see this fat, son of a bitch on the street, and he answers to Zale Morris, sock him in the teeth for me.

Thank you for shopping at Biglots and have a pleasant evening.

Stop Starring at me, you freaky-eyed bitch!


I have recently realized

That mirrors make pretty damn good pattern drafting tables. Sure it's not their natural calling but a little coaxing (and some wine) and they will be on the floor, spread, and ready to take it any which way you like.


Okay, I have a question, why is my Chef Boyardee sauce so damn sparkly?


New Store Opening

Now carrying Fat Twat Underwear, Fat Whore Career Wear, and Fat Bitch Prom Dresses.

Look out for our new line of body butter, made with real butter...


Miss Dog America

I am sewing sewing sewing like a mad fucking dog in heat, whose only goal in life is to be miss dog america but is just too damn busy scarfing down those too-good-to-be-true, buttery-heaven, doggie biscuits, to really give a woof.



I pray the black hand of death finds each and every one of you. I have nothing but contempt for you, truly and whole-heartedly.

The Reaper

Bob Mackie vs Ain Soph Aur

So my boyfriend tells me that I am the new Bob Mackie.

Bob Mackie

Ain Soph Aur

What do YOU think?



Hello Spring!


Um....well things seem to be blooming right on cue. I'm working with some photographers in a couple weeks to shoot my new womenswear, I have two shows next month, and I'm working on new menswear for S/S so I can put it up on my website, so fun fun times ahead, yiipee skiipee...

My friend Adam and I met up in Little Tokyo to get tattoos today. We ended up not having enough time but it wasn't a waste, we ate at Curry House and I got a new Men's Non-no magazine, so that was pretty rad. We decided since we didn't get the tattoos that we would draw them in marker next to our armpits, so that's what we did to each other in the middle of the street. We're gonna trick people into thinking they're real until we really get 'em.

Ya, my fucking camera won't turn on anymore, so I gotta use the shitty low quality of my phone. I guess that's what I get for buying something expensive from Walmart.

Okay, so I saw this the other day when me and my friend and fellow designer Alicia were trolling around, doing some concept building and research in Downtown LA. I'm not sure if this sign is racist but I somehow found it hilarious so.....ya....fuck, whatever I need a nap.

Say hi to Jehovah for me.



Roisin Murphy has evidently been around for awhile but I just recently read about her in a magazine, looked her up online, and was really surprised. I'll let these two new videos speak for themselves.


Let Me Know


Next Level: Aftermath

Well, the show was a big hit. Everyone said that I was the highlight of the show. It was alot of fun, although one model pissed me the fuck off.....but I'll get over it. Thank you to everyone that came out and supported me. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll post photos soon. I'm still sick and fucking exhausted, though. Dude, where's the weed?


The Next Level

The Next Level
2nd annual fashion show in honor of African American history month

Friday, February 29, 2008
6:00pm - 9:00pm
California State University, Dominguez Hills: Loker Student Union Ballroom
1000 East Victoria Street

Hot Designers!

50 Models!

One Runway

One Night!


(I will be showing a "mini-retrospective" of my pieces).



I understand that Kernel Sanders is dead but you need to get over it and move on with your life, you fat fucking bitch.

Here, have a chicken or two or three, you slob.




love me love me love me love me

This is possible the most mesmerizing thing I've seen in awhile. Love the dancers, so stylized.

The One (Live on The Kylie Show)


Employment Agencies

Nothing more than a bunch of fat fucks whose only talent is to exploit others for their own financial benefit. They'll never amount to anything more.

But boy, does IHOP have some bomb ass pancakes!


I feel poopy

Everyone pray that i get better, please.

My head and body hurt, wah.


Jelly Jelly

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you feel like a fluffy mashmallow pillow sleepy time bodysuit.



Can't Get This Outta My Head

Taken from her new album "X", this is Kylie's video for "In My Arms". Love the synth line and melody: You can't help but forget about your problems and transport yourself to a euphoric world of light and love!
