My love
I will become two
One for me and one for you
(I'm crying)
A single tear falls and splashes into a pond below me
The resulting force from that splash echoes a multiplex of rain droplets
See as the shimmering dew swirls around me
Dances with me, absorbs itself into my being
My heart center is glowing bright red
(palpitate, oscillate, vibrate)
And The process begins
Watch as the center tugs and pulls against it's very constraints
(I'm rippling, can you see me in the deep sea looking glass?)
How it slowly begins to break free from itself
(I am transforming, look at the smoke arising)
What was once one nuclei, is splitting
Now becoming two
Right before your very eyes
(I'm changing)
All of my very being poured into two I's
The fission has commenced
Now take your pick
(a wish, a wish)
One to carry out what is required
The other to watch over you.
But now I see, 'tis no mere dream
For I will always reside within your core
And your heart, in mine, forever rests.
Float away so peacefully...
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