
District 9

Fucking. Sucked. End of story.

I can't believe people actually like it. I'm genuinely astonished, really. I mean, I really can not wrap my mind around this and accept the fact that people really like this movie. I saw this shit about a month ago when it came out and I wanted to walk out the entire time. I don't think I've ever felt like that while watching a movie at the theater before (okay, maybe during black dahlia, another fucking stupid ass movie, but I was asleep for most of that).

It certainly didn't help that I was stoned. The movie actually made me go on a bit of a bad trip because it was so horrible and I couldn't escape. The story was just fucking terrible and no amount of special effects, fucking pig splicing guns, were going to make up for it. It just simply wasn't enough.

I'm aware that this rant comes a tad late but now I'm seeing people (dumb guys) posting about how much they loved it. Yes, I enjoy seeing pigs being blown up and guns and the like but seriously, they are preying on your stupidity.

There really are no good movies anymore. Not at the theater anyway. What do you expect when movie execs are only trying to sell a product. Oh well, I'm certainly not going to re-write the formula today.

I'm going to see 9 today. I heard the story wasn't that great either but I think in this case the visuals will make up for it.