It pisses me the fuck off. Are people really that selfish that they think they can just pop out three or four or five kids and think they'll turn out fine? Unless you're fucking rich then don't do it; have that abortion. Don't you realize how fucked we are, as a nation? As a global nation? This world is entirely too overpopulated. We don't have any room for your fucking kids.
I understand that most children are accidents so why the charade? You're gonna feel guilty for not keeping it so just go through the rest of your life raising a child you never wanted to begin with and regret it for the rest of your life? Think of the implications of that question; just think about that for a sec. That's the root of everything wrong with this world: Religious fucking bible thumpers guilting frightened dolts into keeping kids they don't want so they can grow up as crack smoking criminals hell bent on filling voids in their hearts left there by parents who weren't there or abused them or made them perform in the little miss christmas pageant.....I could go on and on.
And I don't have anger issues as someone insightfully pointed out. I just won't sit back and accept everything thing I see and just take it for what it is, that's ridiculous. Having anger issues is not expressing yourself, keeping everything pent up. If something bothers you = let it out; it's as simple as that. I guess not everyone can be the least bit perceptive. God, teenagers are annoying. I guess that means I'm old.